Xinhua Silk Road(en.imsilkroad.com) is the Belt and Road Portal of Xinhua News Agency.It\'s also an authoritative website of the China\'s silk road economic belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.It provides the content on BRI Policy,BRI Trade,BRI Investment,Belt and Road weekly,Know Belt and Road,and the integrated information services for the Belt and Road Initiative. As a multi-language platform focusing on information related to the “Belt and Road” Initiative, Xinhua Silk Road serves global participants of the initiative with all-dimensional, full workflow information products and consulting services, in a bid to help Chinese companies “go out” and companies outside China “come in.” Its services cover information search engine, country-specific research, business project release and trade matching, as well as investment and international trade-related customized services covering such fields as finance, patent, accounting, tax affairs, law affairs, training and exhibition.
河北大自然石材有限公司,是一家专注于建筑外墙用无机饰面层仿石装饰板材研发、生产的科技型企业。主要以石材矿山尾矿固废为原料经我专利技术、工艺加工而成,用于替代天然石材,其装饰效果优于天然石材,综合上墙成本相比外墙干挂石材节省60%以上,耐用年限可与建筑体同寿命。实现了不再开采矿山而实现石材的再生产,为石材产业转型升级开拓了新的产业实践及发展方向。 目前,我企业被认定为“国家级高新技术企业”和“科技型中小企业”,已获得《河北省工业企业研发机构证书》,申请发明专利3项,已获得实用新型专利13项,软著5项,起草、编写了国家建材行业标准1项,河北省地方标准1项,企业标准3项共计5项标准,并已通过了《质量管理体系认证证书》ISO9001:2015标准。《年产300万平米新型人造文化石建设项目》列入保定市重点建设项目。